10th May 2022
Recruitment day - 14th May - Followup
A BIG thank you to the members who turned out on Saturday to help with the running of the recruitment day. There are some other big thank you's that need to be said: -
- To Trevor, the county coach, who came along at request of Dave, our coach, to guide the day and who brought bowls and training aids in addition to his expertise in running recruitment days, I think we learned a few things from him.
- To Karen Cavanagh and Gloria Simmons for spreading the word within their social circles and social media and to Ken for printing and putting up the posters, these all made a huge improvement in the public turnout compared to previous efforts.
- To the 15 people who provided their details for a further session. We have already made contact with them again suggesting how they can followup with another "try" before having basic coaching sessions. We will hopefully get at least a few of them as full members and that would make all the effort worthwhile.
The weather helped of course by being a gloriously sunny day, if we had had it on Sunday it would not have been anything like as well attended and might have had to be called off. This was certainly the best turnout both by the club and public that we have had for many years and one I hope we can do again.
Just a reminder of our recruitment day on Saturday 14th May. The times are 11am to 3pm but could be a bit later ending if there is a lot of interest. Please can all members who turn out to help wear the club tee-shirt so that they are easily identifiable. We would like club members to be at the club by 10.30 latest so they can be allocated tasks. If you can give some time but not for the full duration or can only come some time into the session then that is fine, any help you give is to the benefit of the club. If you know of anyone who is interested in trying bowling then let them know this is their chance to have a go with no obligation. For wheelchair users the electric wheelchair will be available. The club needs new members to make the club stronger and that is very much to your advantage so please help.

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