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Countdown to 2025 summer season


Internal competition rules 2024

Internal matches – rules for arranging play

A challenger: -

  • Will make contact with an opponent in good time before a round deadline date to allow for the challenger possibly having a holiday booked or being otherwise unavailable for a period of time.
  • Will, for a singles match, arrange for a marker (compulsory). The markers name should be recorded on the reverse of the scorecard.
    • If a marker is arranged but is unable to attend then, if a rearrangement is not possible or would put the match past a deadline date, play without a marker will be permitted BUT
      • Both players must be in agreement of the arrangement
      • The scorecard MUST be signed by both players and the name of the marker noted on the reverse of the scorecard and as ‘Absent’ and why.

An opponent: -

  • Will make contact with a challenger if they are planning a holiday during a round which could make playing by a deadline difficult or impossible.
  • Is equally responsible as the challenger to ensure a match is played by the deadline

Completed matches

On completion of a match: -

  • Place score cards in the holder in the men’s changing room.
  • Send an email to the club mailbox stchadsbc@hotmail.co.uk detailing
    • The competition
    • The scores of both players or teams
    • If a singles game, who the marker was (also write on reverse of the score card)

If a match has not been played by a deadline for a round

  • The internal competition organiser must have been advised of the reason and granted a 7 day extension of the deadline date. If the organiser has not been notified then no extension will be granted, both players will be eliminated and their opponent in the next round get a ‘bye’.
  • If neither challenger or opponent can show an attempt was made to organise a game and no notification sent to the organiser, then both are eliminated and their opponent in the next round get a ‘bye’.
  • If a game can be arranged within 7 days of the missed deadline date, and notification is sent to the organiser prior to the deadline, then this is ok BUT if the game is then subsequently NOT played, the no-fault party goes through.
  • No game can be arranged beyond 7 days of a missed deadline date. If a game would have to be played more than 7 days late then it causes delays with next round game which is not acceptable unless due to exceptional circumstances.
    • Very bad prolonged weather may be an exceptional circumstance.
    • A holiday is NOT an exceptional circumstance.
    • A bout of ill health may be an accepted exceptional circumstance but consideration should be given by the player that if this is a long-term illness then they may have to withdraw from the competition.

New members are always welcome

Pop in and give it a try, any Tuesday or Thursday afternoon or contact us to arrange a convenient time.