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09th Jul 2022

Outing to Eastbourne

Eastbourne BC

The sheet is up in the clubhouse for the Eastbourne outing on the 2nd August, please get your name, and that of any guests, on the sheet as soon as possible. The cost is £20 per person, for that you get a nice day out at the seaside and play (or watch) a game on a lovely bowling green. Alternatively, if you are not a bowler you can stay in town or on the seafront and come to the bowling green at your own pace later in the afternoon. So come on, get your names on the sheet, call John Floate or use the contact form on our website (see "Get In Touch" to the right of the main menu bar) to book a seat.

If there is insufficient support, especially from bowlers, then it will have to be cancelled and it will be the last outing that we run as John has had enough of having to phone around to people to try to get support for every trip.

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