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26th Nov 2021

2021 AGM minutes

Dear members,

Please find below the minutes of the 2021 AGM . If you have any questions/comments then please contact the secretary.

Meeting of St. Chads AGM 14 November 2021 at 10.00am

Presidents Opening Address

  • Dave Jarrold opened the meeting mentioning it had been two years since our last meeting and asked to be upstanding for those who have passed away.
  • He thanked the committee for all their hard work during the covid period.
  • The club had brought in card payments for the bar which now has become the preferred method of payment.
  • We have opened a new bank account with Nat West which allows the club to have online banking and debit cards.
  • New members who are first time bowlers to have their first year subs free,this to reflect the initial expense of kit and bowls. New experienced bowlers will pay (pro-rata) subs for their first year..
  • He praised the work put in by certain members that keep the club running.
  • John Floate was thanked for all his work with the awaydays.
  • Internal competitions to have the semis and finals on dedicated weekends.
  • Ladies to be invited into all competitions except the Championship for which they have their own competition.
  • With the decline of members an increase in members is needed for the club to have a longer life.
  • He finally thanked Bernard Dowley for all the work he puts into the club on and off the green and for the funds raised over the pandemic period which has enavled the purchase of the new mower which it is hoped will make making ours one of the better greens.

Apologies for Absence

The absences were read Bernard Dowley.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

These were read by Bernard Dowley.

Matters Arising from Minutes

Nothing to Report

Progress Reports

Club Secretary

  • Congratulated the club on winning the RAL Pegrum League.
  • Reopening the club had allowed play and entertainment to restart.
  • The club switched insurers which gave reduced fees with a 3-year deal.
  • Remember Subs to be paid for next season,due end-January 2022.
  • Thanked by name those members who had helped with the swishing and mowing over the two years especially John Torr, Richard Brown and John Lizzimore.
  • Remain vigilant of Covid and remember it is still around.


  • The accounts for the club are still pending, these will be provided to the members when completed. Currently we have a healthy balance.


  • Bob Mead is trying to get Cribbs to sponsor an electric [wheel] chair for club members.

Bar Manager

  • Ken Alderton said the bar has done well since the covid period and the contact payments [SumUp] had proven to be popular.
  • There was some stock (mainly soft drinks and a few beers) that had gone out of date and this was disposed of.

Mens Captain

  • The club had done well in the league.
  • Mentioned that Clementswood will be back in the WEEL Wednesday evening league for 2022.
  • Some disagreement between counties and Bowls England over the number of ends played for games at County and National level that has the potential of some counties [notably Essex, Surrey and Kent] withdrawing [some] funding from Bowls England.
  • Mentioned Bowls England had reported a £600k ‘loss’ but taken on 3 new members of staff.

Ladies Captain

  • Pat and Joy did well in Ladies County competitions.

Fixtures secretary

  • Waiting on some clubs to respond before the the fixtures for 2022 can be completed.

Social Secretary

  • Not present.
  • Bernard Dowley read out the social program up to end-December 2021.
  • Good to see the quizzes and singers back.

All members present were at this point in the meeting upstanding for the 2 minute silence at 11am.

Election of Officers

  • Dave Jarrold read out the officers, no objections were raised by the membership (see bottom of post)
  • Dave Jarrold will, in addition to the men’s registrations, also do the paperwork for the ladies, nothing else.

Any other Business

  • It was asked if anyone had any objections on making Brenda Morton a Life Member. No objections raised.
  • The club had two new members [David Hunt and Scott Tanner] .
  • Bryan Adams raised some questions about the defibrillator.
  • As it was Remembrance Sunday it was asked about the date of the next AGM, Dave Jarrold stated this was in hand and the AGM would in future not be held again on this day.

Meeting closed at 11.20

PresidentJohn Lizzimore
ChairmanDavid Jarrold
Club SecretaryBernard Dowley
TreasurerDavid Wharf
Fixture SecretaryBarbara Titmuss
Men's captainStuart Mackenzie
Men's Vice Captain (PM Fixtures)Jeff Freedman
Co-Selector 1Keith Hutton
Ladies CaptainNo captain
Ladies Vice CaptainNo vice captain
Ladies SecretaryDavid Jarrold (registrations only)
Internal Competition SecretaryDave Jarrold
Bar ManagerKen Alderton
Social Organiser 1Sharon Torr
Social Organiser 2Vacant
Sponsorship OrganiserBob Mead
Green ManagerTeam effort
Clubhouse co-ordinatorEric Dipper
Elected Member 1Pat Little
Elected member 2Dave Ball
Auditor 1Dave Jarrold
Auditor 2Bernard Dowley
Minute SecretaryDave Ball
Club coachDave Jarrold

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