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16th Sep 2022

Whitstable outing (last chance)

The outing sheet for Whitstable on the 27th of September is up on the noticeboard, if you want to go then please get your name(s) on the sheet asap or speak to John Floate. This is the last coach outing of the season, and it would be nice to have a full coach. If you have not been to Whitstable before, it's a charming Kent seaside town and the bowling club setting is splendid. If you have been before you know what to expect and you also know it isn't one to be missed. For the non-bowlers, many guests take the time to browse the local shops before walking the short distance to the bowls club (about 0.6 mile from the town centre but beware that the last 100 yards are up a steep-ish hill)


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