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10th Jul 2021

Tom Huddlestone cabaret evening on 31st July - one-off free entrance for club members

To celebrate the relaxation of Covid restrictions, St Chads is laying on the first cabaret evening since lockdown started in March last year. Our entertainment will be singer Tom Huttlestone whom we have had before and was thoroughly enjoyed. This evening will start at 8pm on 31st July and will be one-time entrance free for all club members (bowlers and social) and their partners. As we are space limited (up to 60) we have to know who is coming, you cannot just turn up so it's first come first served, once (or if) we reach 60 then that's it, you go on a reserve list in case someone drops out. Just to make sure everyone is clear, ENTRY is FREE, DRINKS are NOT (although with our prices compared to other clubs it might almost seem so...) and you CANNOT turn up without registering To register that you want to come, please email stchadsbc@hotmail.co.uk to advise if you want 1 or 2 spaces reserved. If by 24th July we still have space then entry will be opened up to friends & family at a cost of £5 each but only until all 60 spaces have gone. Hope to see you there! Bernard.

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