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03rd Dec 2023

Richard House Hospice for Children

At their monthly quiz night yesterday at St Chads Bowling club, a cheque for £1000 was presented to Richard House Hospice for Children. The money had been collected by £1 from each persons quiz entry money throughout 2023 plus a few raffles on special days during the year. St Chads thanks all those bowlers, friends and visitors who took part in events during the year and contributed towards the total but especially to Karen Cavanagh who volunteers for Richard House and worked tirelessly during the year to help raise funds. The charity for which St Chads Bowling Club is collecting for during 2024 is Prostate Cancer UK.
Below is a picture of the presentation by Karen Cavanagh and John Lizzimore (president) to Richard House managers Terry Spelman and Lynn Marie Jones.

Cheque presentation
Cheque presentation

If you would like to know more about Richard House Hospice then click the image below

Richard House Hospice for Children
Richard House Hospice for Children

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