20th Sep 2018
First St. Chads bowling by candle light evening
On the evening of the 19th September St Chads had it's first try of bowling by candle-light. In all, the evening was a great success which was finished off with a 'pie and mash' sit down meal. As the light faded the green looked really good with 100 little candle lights showing the edge of the rinks and play was good fun. It got a little harder as darkness fell and in the end it was impossible for all but those with the best eyesight (or cheaters with mobile phone lights or headlamps) to see where the jack was or any other bowls!
A really BIG thank you goes to Carol and Dave Jarrold for organising, setting out (rinks, lights and tables), providing the meal and to Dave for thinking of putting on the event in the first place. Thanks also to those who helped with the tidying up and washing up afterwards. Lastly, thank you to all the members and guests who turned out for the evening especially to Martin Hills for stepping in to complete a triple team (he had his reward in a double helping of pie & mash).
Everyone seemed to have had a really nice evening so would we do it again? Yes, absolutely! The prize for being the winning triple of the evening (Barry Ryley, Bernard Dowley and Jeff Freedman (skip)) was that they have to do the organising next year! Small price to pay for a good and very enjoyable evening.
Dave took some photos which you can see below.

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