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08th Mar 2020

2020 Competition slips

Dear members, You were sent a competition entry slip attached to the letter inviting you to the General Meeting held this morning (8th March). At the meeting additional slips were available for those without print facilities or who missed the attachment. Should you still need an entry slip then these are available from the bar or download one by clicking here (printing facilities needed). You can post you entry application slip with a cheque attached into the post box located in the clubhouse, on the wall to the left of the music system. All applications should be with the treasurer including your entry remittances as soon as possible so that schedules & dates can be worked out in advance of the season starting. For the competitions this year please stay on top of when your games need to be played by, last year a few games were fore-fitted because they were late in being played but only after considerable leniency was shown. This year that leniency will not be there as it caused too much stress and resentment when dates slipped, so again, stay on top of your games. Remember, it is the responsibility of the CHALLENGER(S) to contact their opponent(s) to check for dates although it helps if the opponent makes the first move if he/she knows the challenger has difficulties..

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